• Phone Number: 312-362-9844
  • 53 West Jackson Blvd., Suite 1340, Chicago, Illinois 60604
Specialized nonimmigrant visa categories assistance.
Foreign Government Officials
  • A-1 Ambassadors, public ministers, career diplomatic or consular officers and members of their immediate family.
  • A-2 Other foreign government officials or employees and members of their immediate family.
  • A-3 Attendants, servants, or personal employees of A-1 and A-2, and members of their immediate family.
Aliens in Transit
  • C-1 Alien in Transit directly through the U.S
  • C-1D Combined Transit and Crewman Visa
  • C-2 Alien in Transit to UB Headquarters District under the Headquarters Agreement
  • C-3 Foreign Government Official, Members of Immediate Family, Attendant, Servant, or Personal Employee in Transit
  • C-4 Transit without Visa
  • D-1D visas are nonimmigrant visas for persons working on board vessels (such as cruise liner or fishing ship) or international airlines in the United States; their employment is required for normal operation and services. You must intend to depart the United States on the same
  • D-2 Crew member Departing by means other than Vessel of Arrival
Foreign Government Officials to International Organizations
  • G-1 Principal Resident Representative of Recognized Foreign Member Government to International Organization, and Members of Immediate Family
  • G-2 Other Representative of Recognized Foreign Member Government to International Organization, and Members of Immediate Family
  • G-3 Representative of Non-recognized or Non-member Government to International Organization, and Members of Immediate Family
  • G-4 International Organization Officer or Employee, and Members of Immediate Family
  • G-5 Attendant, Servant, or Personal Employee of G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4 or Members of Immediate Family

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